Antoine Riboud at the 1972 CNPF Assizes in Marseille

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Antoine Riboud at the 1972 CNPF Assizes in Marseille

Antoine Riboud at the 1972 CNPF Assizes in Marseille

Report on the Assises of the CNPF in Marseille. The speech of Antoine RIBOUD, CEO of BSN, on social progress was the event of this employers' congress. He is convinced that expansion can lead to social progress, that the company must be put at the service of collective needs and that it is time to break with the "work dodo" model. If the manager’s ideas eventually become the focus of the new employer policy, they have not convinced the entire audience. The subject begins with an excerpt from his speech, on images of the participants. It is followed by an interview with Francois CEYRAC, vice-president of the CNPF, who says that for him "the purpose of the company is to achieve social objectives starting from economic realities".









Publication date : 25 October 1972

Producteur: Office National De Radiodiffusion Télévision Française   -   Journalist : Gallard, Philippe  -  Participant : Riboud, Antoine  -  Participant : Ceyrac, François
JT 20H   -   Producteur: Office National De Radiodiffusion Télévision Française


Credits:Journalist : Gallard, Philippe-Participant : Riboud, Antoine-Participant : Ceyrac, François

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