A golden Marianne for the glass collection in Annecy
A golden Marianne for the glass collection in Annecy
The Annecy Lake Intercommunal union received from Antoine RIBOUD, CEO of BSN, the Golden Marianne for the ecological policy of collecting and recycling glass. BSN Emballage manages the recycling of glass material. The president of the union intercommunal says that it is no longer possible to continue to consume without taking measures to solve the problem of waste, that we must focus on recycling and re-employment The commentary on the collection images alternates with interviews with an employee of the intercommunal union, Pierre HERISSON, president of the intercommunal union and the speech of Antoine RIBOUD, CEO of BSN.
Producteur: France Régions 3 Grenoble - Journalist : Laffineur, Pascale - Participant : Hérisson, Pierre - Participant : Riboud, Antoine
Jt Fr3 Alpes - Producteur: France Régions 3 Grenoble
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Credits:Journalist : Laffineur, Pascale-Participant : Hérisson, Pierre-Participant : Riboud, Antoine