The Centre National d'Etudes de la Protection Civile in Nainville-les-Roches organized an information day for civil protection executives in Essonne. After a presentation on the principle of nuclear bombs, the guests were able to visit the atomic shelters and learn about the various devices in the fields of radioactivity.
In France, the national civil protection service trains specialists to combat the dangers of radioactivity. Pilot bodies have already been set up, particularly for monitoring the radioactivity of water and air. In the event of an atomic conflict, anti-nuclear shelters were built in the Paris region.
In France, the national civil protection service trains specialists to combat the dangers of radioactivity. Pilot organizations have already been established. Example of fire brigade exercises in Strasbourg to prepare in case of atomic bombardment.
Jeff, an American 30-year-old, has built an atomic shelter four metres below the ground in his garden: he shows his facilities, his fuel reserves. He then confides that he and his entourage would be ready to defend themselves against those who would come to fight for their shelter.
After the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the authorities declared that the levels of radioactivity found in the atmosphere were not dangerous in Europe. But nuclear power is frightening and, in Reims for example, pharmacists have had to deal with a demand for iodine capsules. Interviews with pharmacist Mme LEGER and Pharmacy Faculty Professor Guy LEDOUBLE, who alerts on the adverse effects of iodine. Microsidewalk near remission on radioactive flares.
Paradoxically, it is Sweden, the neutral country par excellence, which for twenty years has prepared the civil protection of the Swedes against a possible atomic war. Excerpt from a life-size exercise of the population fleeing from toxic fumes to take refuge in atomic shelters.