Applications for iodine lozenges in Reims pharmacies
Applications for iodine lozenges in Reims pharmacies
After the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the authorities declared that the levels of radioactivity found in the atmosphere were not dangerous in Europe. But nuclear power is frightening and, in Reims for example, pharmacists have had to deal with a demand for iodine capsules. Interviews with pharmacist Mme LEGER and Pharmacy Faculty Professor Guy LEDOUBLE, who alerts on the adverse effects of iodine. Microsidewalk near remission on radioactive flares.
Producteur: France Régions 3 Reims - Journalist : Pyrée, Ednard - Journalist : Pauly, Robert
Jt Reims - Producteur: France Régions 3 Reims
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Credits:Journalist : Pyrée, Ednard-Journalist : Pauly, Robert