American election in France

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American election in France

American election in France

Democratic Barack Obama won the 2008 US presidential election. This is the first time a black president will take control of the United States. Meeting at the Institut franco américain de Rennes, with expatriate Americans, where a dummy vote was organized. Interviews with participants, including Eric Beaty of the US consulate, who express their views on the election of Obama.

Publication date : 5 November 2008

Producteur: France 3 Rennes   -   Journalist : Piolle, Eric  -  Photo Journalist : Boudet, Raymond  -  Film Editor : Cheval, Pierre Yves  -  Participant : Beaty, Eric
Midi Pile Ouest   -   Producteur: France 3 Rennes


Credits:Journalist : Piolle, Eric-Photo Journalist : Boudet, Raymond-Film Editor : Cheval, Pierre Yves-Participant : Beaty, Eric

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