The vote of US citizens living in France

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The vote of US citizens living in France

The vote of US citizens living in France

Report on the vote of US citizens living in France for the 2012 US presidential elections in the Dordogne. Interviews with three of them. Jeanne votes Obama and especially not for the Republicans. Kimberlee doesn’t vote, and John votes Republican.

Publication date : 6 November 2012

Producteur: France 3 Périgueux   -   Photo Journalist : Ardouin, Bruno  -  Photo Journalist : Delalot, Sébastien  -  Film Editor : Nouvelle, Robin
19 20 Aquitaine Edition   -   Producteur: France 3 Périgueux


Credits:Photo Journalist : Ardouin, Bruno-Photo Journalist : Delalot, Sébastien-Film Editor : Nouvelle, Robin

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