Dispossession of Jewish property after the July 15, 1942 round-up in the Southwest
Dispossession of Jewish property after the July 15, 1942 round-up in the Southwest
Dispossession of Jewish property after the July 15, 1942 round-up in the Southwest
After the Jewish round-up of July 15, 1942 in Gironde, Lower Pyrenees and Landes, the Jews of these regions were locked up in the Mérignac camp. That’s where inventories were done to list their assets. Interview with Michel SLITINSKY, historian and member of the association "Sons and daughters of Jewish deportees", about the relay taken by the French administration which also put in place a policy of humiliation and spoliation unprecedented.
File : Dispossession of property
Publication date : 16 July 1995
Credits:Journalist : Meekel, Jean François-Journalist : Slitinsky, Michel