Accounts of Jewish Families Plundered during the Second World War
Accounts of Jewish Families Plundered during the Second World War
Alain JUPPE announced the creation of a working group to assess the extent of Jewish property taken over during the Second World War. An inventory must be completed. Lucien MESMAN recounts the fate of his family, robbed of his property. His family fled Paris leaving the furniture and valuables. They had nothing after the war. Testimony of Henri-Claude BLOCH, former president of the Jewish religious association of Dijon, whose parents could not recover the store. They finally found their belongings. Interview with Simon SIBONY about the collaboration of the French government with Nazism.
Producteur: France 3 Dijon Bourgogne Franche-Comté - Journalist : Stahl, Jean Pierre - Journalist : Buchholtz, Jacky
Jt Burgundy 19H00 - Producteur: France 3 Dijon Bourgogne Franche-Comté
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Credits:Journalist : Stahl, Jean Pierre-Journalist : Buchholtz, Jacky