Abbé Pierre on the history of immigration and the colonial past of France
Abbé Pierre on the history of immigration and the colonial past of France
Asked about immigration to France, Abbé PIERRE recalls that it was the French bosses who were recruiting workers, especially in the Maghreb, to rebuild the country after the war. Faced with the comments of the far right, which finds that there are too many immigrants in France, we must not forget that: "It is not them who came to occupy France with weapons. We have been occupied their country." These are the same populations, under French colonial rule, who were enlisted to fight under the French flag during the great conflicts of the 20th century. Tens of thousands of them died for France. These historical facts must not be forgotten for the ecclesiastic.
Producteur: France 2 - Director : Leridon, Jean Luc - Journalist : Duhamel, Alain - Participant : Abbé Pierre
The Hour Of Truth - Producteur: France 2
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Credits:Director : Leridon, Jean Luc-Journalist : Duhamel, Alain-Participant : Abbé Pierre