Information campaign on lead poisoning in Villefranche sur Saône
Information campaign on lead poisoning in Villefranche sur Saône
The sub-prefecture of Villefranche sur Saône is launching an information campaign among residents of the company Métaleurop d'Arnas on the risks of lead poisoning linked to the release of lead into the atmosphere by this plant. Statement by François Burdeyron, Deputy Prefect of the Rhone and the Doctor Communal of the Public Health Inspectorate of the Rhone, on the risks incurred by children in case of lead poisoning.
Producteur: France 3 Lyon - Journalist : Sainsauveur, Ronald - Photo Journalist : Aulanier, Yves - Film Editor : Furet, Cécile - Participant : Burdeyron, François
Jt Rhône Alpes Evening - Producteur: France 3 Lyon
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