A new Berliet factory in Bourg en Bresse inaugurated by Olivier Guichard

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A new Berliet factory in Bourg en Bresse inaugurated by Olivier Guichard

A new Berliet factory in Bourg en Bresse inaugurated by Olivier Guichard

On the occasion of the inauguration in Bourg en Bresse of a new Berliet plant by Olivier GUICHARD, Delegate for Spatial Planning, interview with Paul BERLIET, CEO of the Berliet car and truck manufacturing company to on the strategy of the company in this period of economic recession: first, the equipment and special machines do not suffer the crisis of the automobile, the plant is not intended to compete with other manufacturers but to be complementary. In addition, this new export and international plant for the common market and the world market and across the Atlantic, several contracts have been signed with foreign companies for the manufacture of special equipment for military equipment. The factory will also employ employees from the agricultural sector.









Publication date : 25 September 1964

Producteur: Office National De Radiodiffusion Télévision Française Lyon   -   Film Editor : Ferrant, Guy  -  Participant : Berliet, Paul  -  Participant : Guichard, Olivier
Rhône Alpes news   -   Producteur: Office National De Radiodiffusion Télévision Française Lyon


Credits:Film Editor : Ferrant, Guy-Participant : Berliet, Paul-Participant : Guichard, Olivier

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