Football: ASSE reception, winner of the Coupe de France, in Saint Etienne
Football: ASSE reception, winner of the Coupe de France, in Saint Etienne
Football: winners in the final of the Coupe de France against Bordeaux, the players of AS Saint-Etienne were celebrated when they returned to their city. Players parading through the streets of Saint-Etienne, brandishing the Coupe de France, acclaimed by a large crowd, were then welcomed at the city hall by Michel DURAFOUR. Interview with President Roger ROCHER expressing his happiness at having won this Coupe de France (at his side we recognize Aimé JACQUET).
Producteur: Office National De Radiodiffusion Télévision Française Lyon - Journalist : Chenine, Guy Laurent - Participant : Rocher, Roger
Rhône Alpes news - Producteur: Office National De Radiodiffusion Télévision Française Lyon
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Credits:Journalist : Chenine, Guy Laurent-Participant : Rocher, Roger