Quand le FN dénonce l’absentéisme à l'Assemblée Nationale

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Quand le FN dénonce l’absentéisme à l'Assemblée Nationale

Quand le FN dénonce l’absentéisme à l'Assemblée Nationale

During the examination in the national assembly of the bill on the repression of the drug trade, the elected representatives of the national front obstructed for 10 hours to protest against the absenteeism of the deputies. Jean-marie LE PEN asks that the debate be postponed, protesting against the absenteeism of the deputies during the debates in the assembly. Ms TRAUTMANN, PS MP, denounces the manipulation of the keys (which allow to vote) of the left deputies by a FN deputy. André ROSSINOT, deputy: "it is impossible to issue a certificate of good conduct to the national front". Bruno GOLLNISCH, meanwhile, is outraged by the absenteeism of the deputies: "they steal the compensation that the French people pay them".









Publication date : 10 October 1987

Producteur: France 2   -   Journalist : Pradinaud, Bernard  -  Participant : Gollnisch, Bruno  -  Participant : Le Pen, Jean Marie  -  Participant : Trautmann, Catherine  -  Participant : Rossinot, André
A2 The Journal Of 13H   -   Producteur: France 2


Credits:Journalist : Pradinaud, Bernard-Participant : Gollnisch, Bruno-Participant : Le Pen, Jean Marie-Participant : Trautmann, Catherine-Participant : Rossinot, André

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