Several hundred high school students demonstrated in the streets of Saint-Raphaël, in the Var. They were protesting against the government’s school project. They fear a devaluation of diplomas. Meeting in the street with the demonstrators, then at the town hall where a delegation was received. Interviews of high school students demonstrating and among them, Manon Aubry, student of tenth grade who explains: "Today, I fear to have a baccalaureate of the lycée Saint Exupéry which will not be of the same value as that (of the lycée) Henri IV...".
Interviewed about the agreement between the PS and the other left parties, including LFI, during the parliamentary elections, Marion Aubry is delighted by this agreement. She evokes with a joke, the tenors of the PS, like François Hollande and Bernard Cazeneuve, opposed to this agreement: "You know, elephants, if I wanted to make a bad joke, are very wrong...".
Manon Aubry, former spokesperson for Oxfam France, joined Jean-Luc Mélanchon’s party, La France Insoumise (LFI), for the European elections. Interviewed, she returns to this choice: "...I first asked myself the first essential question which is that of the background and program...".
Interviewed during the 2019 European elections, Manon Aubry, LFI, former spokesperson for Oxfam France, talks about her desire to move from the associative world to political organization: "there was the need to give a political outlet, the hopes, the convictions that I carried on a daily basis, as an associative actress...".