The centenary of Savorgnan de Brazza

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The centenary of Savorgnan de Brazza

The centenary of Savorgnan de Brazza

On the occasion of the centenary of Pierre SAVORGNAN DE BRAZZA, Italian explorer who opened the roads of Black Africa and gave France an immense territory, a ceremony of remembrance takes place on each building of the French Navy, and at the cemetery of Algiers where he rests. This ceremony is the occasion for the French News to make a portrait of Pierre SAVORGNAN DE BRAZZA who, during his first voyage of exploration, going up the river Ogooué, reached the banks of the Congo where he planted the French pavilion. Along the way, he created two cities of the future: Franceville and Brazzaville. This pioneer knew how to make himself loved by the people he met, who had awarded him the title of "Father of slaves". In 1880 he had King Makoko sign a protectorate treaty, ceding to France his sovereign rights. Grateful France has allowed the Congo to develop. Comment on illustration images of Congo and engravings.









Publication date : 21 February 1952

Producteur: Les Actualités Françaises   -   Participant : Léonard, Roger
Les Actualités Françaises   -   Producteur: Les Actualités Françaises


Credits:Participant : Léonard, Roger

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