Relations between the legislative branch and the executive: dissolution and motion of censure

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Relations between the legislative branch and the executive: dissolution and motion of censure

Relations between the legislative branch and the executive: dissolution and motion of censure

Didactic subject devoted to the relationship between the executive and the National Assembly. The 1958 Constitution allows the President of the Republic to dissolve the National Assembly under certain conditions, except in the case of an interim presidency and the year following a dissolution. Apart from the legislative role of the deputies, the National Assembly has a mission of control of the government which is expressed through two procedures: questions to the government and the putting into play of the political responsibility which is expressed by the motion of censure, on the initiative of members of Parliament, and on the issue of confidence, on the initiative of the Prime Minister. The subject consists only of illustration images taken mostly inside the Palais Bourbon.

Publication date : 7 March 1978

Producteur: France Régions 3 Lyon   -  
Limousin News   -   Producteur: France Régions 3 Lyon


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