Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on the Use of Public Funds: Instructions for Use

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Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on the Use of Public Funds: Instructions for Use

Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on the Use of Public Funds: Instructions for Use

It is an order of 17 November 1958 which defines the role and organization of a parliamentary commission of inquiry. The 30 members who sit on the committee of inquiry represent proportionally all the political groups. The work cannot exceed 6 months and ends with the filing of a report. The meetings of the committee were secret until July 1991, when the law was amended to allow for the recording of hearings, with the exception of deliberations. As part of their investigation, Members of Parliament have important means: they can travel and have the power of coercion to hear any person or to be given any document they feel is necessary. The final report is made public. Comment on journalist on illustration images.









Publication date : 3 March 1998

Producteur: France 3 Ajaccio Corse   -   Journalist : Albertini, Jean Vitus  -  Chief Editor : Leccia, Jean Marc  -  Film Editor : Susini, Marie Pierre
Corsica Sera   -   Producteur: France 3 Ajaccio Corse


Credits:Journalist : Albertini, Jean Vitus-Chief Editor : Leccia, Jean Marc-Film Editor : Susini, Marie Pierre

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