History of the packaging of "La vache qui rit" and its counterfeits, illuminated by the interview of Michel TAECKENS (director of the house of Chicorée).
The laughing cow celebrated her 90th birthday in her museum in Lons-le-Saulnier. Testimonies from Philippe MARKARIAN (director of La Maison de La vache qui rit), Olivier CABUZEL (Vachequiritphile, collector and former employee Bel) and Gilbert BONIN (collector and former employee Bel).
Historical reminders about the epic of processed cheese since the acquisition of Graf by the Bel group, creator of the brand "The Cow Who Laughs". Gilbert BONIN, creator of an exhibition on this theme in Dole, talks about the industrial process of cheese packaging and its collection of derivatives.
Guy LARTOT, passionate about Swiss cheese cream, explains the choice of the name "The cow that laughs" and presents several advertising items related to the product.
The house of "La Vache qui rit" is slowly coming out of the ground in Lons-le-Saunier. Better than a museum, the project proposes to raise a real monument to the icon of our tartines with presentation of historical advertising, exhibitions and various animations. Philippe MARKARIAN (director of the House of "La vache qui rit") and Bernard HANET (historical advisor) present the project.
After thirty years of presence on American soil, "La vache qui rit" is renewed in popularity following the publication of the book of a cardiologist who advises its readers to consume this cheese. Since the book became a bestseller, "The Laughing Cow" sees its consumption explode. The Lons plant was forced to create an additional manufacturing line for the American product, the production of the local Kentucky plant no longer sufficient to satisfy the demand overseas. Reporting at the Lons factory, with interviews with Jean-Paul RELANGE (site manager of Lons) and Pierre DUCAROUGE (quality manager).
The house of La Vache which laughs was inaugurated in Lons-le-Saunier. Preview of the museum to the glory of the most media-oriented cheeses. The space dedicated to the brand is over 3,500 square metres. The aim is to tell the image of the BEl family but also to highlight the marketing and advertising prowess of the company whose cheeses are sold worldwide. Philippe VINAY (project manager) says that the Laughing Cow is present in more than 120 countries, with a strong identity. It is a great success. Philippe MARKARIAN (director of La maison de La vache qui rit) informs us that the museum is intended for a wide audience. It focuses a little more on families and children. The museum’s goal is to reach 60,000 visitors a year. Temporary exhibitions are already planned.