Erika: conclusions of the Touret and Guibert report

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Erika: conclusions of the Touret and Guibert report

Erika: conclusions of the Touret and Guibert report

An unambiguous investigation report into the sinking of the Erika clearly highlights the responsibilities of the shipowner, the charterers and the Italian company Rina, whose procedures remain opaque, if not suspect. The committee that delivered its first conclusions yesterday, does not spare any more TOTAL Fina, which should have consulted all the documents concerning the Maltese tankeur before chartering it. On the other hand, the master of the vessel and his crew are totally excluded. During a press conference, Georges TOURRET, director of the Bureau of Marine Accident Investigation, talks about the mystery surrounding the owner of the tanker and the ineffectiveness of the checks carried out. Jean-Louis GUIBERT, General Secretary of the French Institute of Navigation, talks about the need to do more "structure" checks.









Publication date : 14 January 2000

Producteur: France 2   -   Journalist : Fines, Michèle  -  Participant : Guibert, Jean Louis  -  Participant : Tourret, Georges
20 hours the newspaper   -   Producteur: France 2


Credits:Journalist : Fines, Michèle-Participant : Guibert, Jean Louis-Participant : Tourret, Georges

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