Reporting with alternating factual images and interviews. A European Union directive requires new labelling on food products containing genetically modified products. Hélène MORAUT, feed manager "UFC - what to choose", talks about the use of GMOs for livestock, and consumer micro-sidewalks.
Report on split opinions on GMOs. The Académie des Sciences now believes that these transgenic plants can be introduced into agriculture in small doses. Alternating commentary on factual images and interviews with Roland DOUCE, Académie des Sciences, Alain RERAT, Académie nationale de médecine, and Nicolas LARMAGNAC, UFC Que Choisir.
Report on "60 million consumers" survey of foods containing genetically modified organisms. Alternating factual images of different products on sale in a supermarket and interviews with Marie-Jeanne HUSSET (60 million consumers) and Professor Patrice COURVELIN (Institut Pasteur).
The city of Lorient (Morbihan), as well as a hundred French cities, decided to ban from school canteens any genetically modified product in the composition of menus. Comment on factual images and interviews with children and Christophe BOUILLAUX (director of municipal restoration of Lorient) and Yves LENORMAND (first deputy mayor of Lorient).
Report on the merger of Bayer (Germany) and Monsanto (USA). This new group could impose its products all over the world. Comment on factual and illustration images and interviews with Stéphane VACHER, Dominique PETILLON and Sébastien DROMIGNY, farmers in the Beauce.
Report on the need for precise labelling of GMOs. Comment on factual images alternately with interviews with Arnaud APOTEKER, PhD in Biology (Greenpeace), Martine WAGNER, Inspector DDCCRF du Bas-Rhin and Patrick PHILIPP, Engineer (DGCCRF National Laboratory).
Reportage in Lyon devoted to the condemnation of the company Monsanto for misleading advertising. The commentary on factual images alternates with the interviews of Yann FICHET, director of external relations of Monsanto, and Gilles HUET, of the association Eaux et rivières de Bretagne, at the origin of the complaint.
Reference to the decision of the Ministers of Agriculture of the European Union on the entry into the European market of a transgenic but. Comments on illustration and factual images alternating with Greenpeace’s Arnaud APOTEKER interview and consumer micro-sidewalk.
In Clermont-Ferrand (Puy-de-Dôme), a laboratory is working on the medical uses of transgenic plant proteins. Commentary on factual images alternating with interviews with Hélène LAPARRA, researcher in Molecular Biology, Bertrand MEROT, President of Meristem Therapeutics, and Marc FELLOUS, President of the Biomolecular Engineering Commission.
The glyphosate accused of causing a disability. For the first time in France, a complaint was filed against the American Monsanto by the parents of a child suffering from a malformation of the larynx. In the United States 3,500 complaints have already been filed against the agrochemical giant. Le Monde reveals that Monsanto defrauded to hide the risks of its flagship product. He was paying scientific experts to sign studies for glyphosate. An avalanche of notes and e-mails were exchanged by Monsanto employees. Confidential memos whose publication promises to be an unprecedented scandal for the US giant of GMOs and pesticides. These exchanges seem to show that the multinational orchestrated a disinformation campaign to try to defend Roundup, its flagship product. This glyphosate pesticide is suspected of being carcinogenic. This involved an email from Dr Donna FARMER, who works at Monsanto, one of the authors of an article on glyphosate and animal reproduction, which concluded that it was not dangerous. But she crossed out her name and the publication seems unbiased. A misleading practice for Master Brent WISNER, a lawyer who initiated a complaint against Monsanto. Mr Brent WISNER, Baumhedlundlaw lawyer: "We see connections that undermine the validity of the data and we wonder if there is really a scientific basis to say that this product is not dangerous. The further we go, the more we discover information that shows that Monsanto has hidden risks from consumers and the government. ' The case could be more serious because other documents suggest that Monsanto influenced environmental agencies. embarrassing revelations as Europe must decide on banning glyphosate.
Update on consumer mistrust of GMOs (genetically modified organisms). Commentary on factual images alternating with the interview of Reine-Claude MADER, from the CLCV association, and a consumer micro-sidewalk.
Report on the announcement of the decision by Brussels to authorise the import and marketing in Europe of 19 new GMOs intended, for some, for human consumption. Details of these products and possible recourse of the countries concerned and the reaction of environmentalists. Comments on illustration images and interview of Noël MAMERE, MP environmentalist.
Report on the production of genetically modified crops worldwide and the concern of European consumers. Comments on archive images, illustration images and infographic images, interviews with Pierre-Benoit JOLY, research director at INRA (Institut National de Recherche Agronomique), and Guy RIBA, scientific director at INRA.
Survey of a biologist from a specialised GM booth and an organic farmer at the Paris Agricultural Show on their interpretation of the precautionary principle enshrined in the recently adopted environmental charter. Alternating comments and interviews (Denise GERENTES, biologist, and Jean-Charles NOEL, farmer) on factual images and archival images of genetically engineered plants.
Report in Gers devoted to an oragnised demonstration against GMOs in which incidents erupted between activists and law enforcement. The commentary on factual images alternates with the interviews of Alain LIPIETZ, MEP European Green, Philippe MARTIN, President of the General Council of Gers, and Michel SANROMA, mayor of Vic-Fezensac.