In France, bee populations have been declining for about thirty years. Neonicotinoids, insecticides, are the main cause of this decline. Bees play an essential role in preserving biodiversity
Report on a mite that feeds on bee blood. Interviews with Yves LECONTE and Fanny MONDET, research engineers at INRA, on its operation and the means to neutralize it.
Reportage in Upper Normandy, where beekeepers complain of high bee mortality due to the use of pesticides to treat rape fieldss. The plant health board engineers are trying to develop less toxic treatments for farmers. Interviews with a beekeeper and engineer;
Mr. CLÉBERT, a beekeeper in Saint Christol d'Albion (Vaucluse), after having enclosed a queen of bees in a box that he puts around his neck, makes a bee beard.
French beekeepers are worried: bees have changed their behaviour since foraging sunflowers sprayed with a powerful insecticide, the Gaucho. In order to verify whether the insecticide was involved, three departments (Indre, Deux Sèvre and Vendée) decided to suspend the use of this product during the spring sowing of sunflowers. Interviews with Maurice MARY, beekeeper of Chazelles (Indre), and farmers Antoine FESNEAU and Pascal AMARY.
Update on the hazards of plant health products used in agriculture on bees and insects. Interviews with Georges TOUZAA, head of the phytosanitary district of Provence, and a farmer.
It is in music, and in the form of clues left throughout the subject, that the viewer follows a person in his day, the aim being to find the nature of his professional activity. This is a beekeeper here.
Faced with the massive influx of foreign honeys, at prices that exclude all competition, French beekeepers feel threatened. Interview with Maurice MARY, beekeeper in the Indre.
The decision announced yesterday by the government is already being debated between farmers and environmental advocates. This is the final prohibition of a pesticide used in rapeseed, the Cruiser OSR. He was accused of having harmful effects, particularly on bees. This decision takes effect immediately and this, while seedlings must be carried out in a few weeks. Alternation of factual images, infographic images and interviews with Alain GEUDIN, farmer in Raimbeaucourt (North) and Stéphane LE FOLL, Minister of Agriculture.
Reportage Assessment of the consequences of the decline of pollinator insect species in France, the first being domesticated and wild bees, a decline caused by urbanization, monoculture and pesticides. A commentary on illustration images alternates with an interview with Bernard VAISSIERE, researcher at the National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA).
The European Commission bans the use of three pesticides, clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiamethoxam neonicotinoids, which are responsible for the decline of honey bees. Interviews with Pierre BARBE, beekeeper, and François VEILLERETTE, president of the NGO Générations Futures.
Update on the two crises affecting beekeeping: crisis of honey production due to a shorter flowering period and health crisis linked to the use of pesticides in agriculture. Interview with Gilles LANO, beekeeper and president of the Union nationale de l'apiculture française.
Reportage. In principle, neonicotinoids, bee-killing insecticides, will be banned from September 2018. However, beekeepers accuse the Health Safety Agency of having authorised two new products, not bearing the same name. But their effects would also be devastating. They appeal to the Minister of the Environment Nicolas HULOT. Story and explanations.