For many breeders, it is a dangerous predator that decimates herds but for defense associations, it is an animal essential to the balance of ecosystems in France. Back in pictures on the wolf’s presence.
A hundred people gathered in Font d'Urle to protest against the killing of wolves. They came to express their anger after the death of two wolves including one in the Vercors. Interviews with demonstrators, Michel Phisel, shepherd-breeder in the Hautes-Alpes, Alain CLEMENT, ASPAS association and Jean-David ABEL, France Nature Environnement
The reintroduction of wolves in the Mercantour Park has provoked the anger of the region’s breeders. They demonstrated in Nice, accompanied by 2,000 sheep. On the Promenade des Anglais, among the demonstrators and sheep, interview with Bruno GABELIER, president of the Centre départemental des Jeunes Agriculteurs: "2000 sheep this represents the number of animals killed since the appearance of wolves, since the end of 1992...". Micro-sidewalk of the shepherds Jean Louis DAUDRAU, then ALAIN GILI explains: "...they are animals that kill, not only to eat but in addition to that for pleasure".
Report on the killing of a wolf in the Vercors. After a few images of the killed wolf, we follow armed guards of the Office de la chasse, in search of traces of wolves, on the plateau of Vercors. Then, opponents and supporters give their points of view. Christian BLACHIER, departmental head of the National Hunting Office, explains how the slaughter went. Jean-Marie OUARY, from France Nature Environnement, in anger explains: "A young wolf, 18 months, 19.8 kilos. We are far from the evil beast that we were told about, that we were shown in stories...". Michel CURT, president of the breeders and shepherds of the Vercors recalls the number of attacks.
Soldiers, gendarmes, farmers and hunters gathered to conduct a wolf hunt on the Causse du Larzac. We follow it in progress through woods and fieldss. No wolves have been shot. Testimony of a rancher and a witness who saw the wolf.
In Gap, a man brought back a wolf from Poland to make a pet. Interview with Régis CELLIER, owner of the wolf and Bernard COLTSCHALK, eco-ethologist, wolf specialist. The latter explains how the wolf could be reintroduced in France: "If we want to reintroduce the wolf in France, we must necessarily reintroduce a wild wolf, that is to say a wolf that flees man by definition...".
For a few days, the Argonne Découverte Park, welcomes three wolves, two males and one female, from the department of La Creuse. The goal for the park is to create a pack. Interview with Anne FREZARD, Head of Park Operations.
Interviewed, Gérard MENATORY, journalist and naturalist, creator of the wolf park of Gévaudan, in Lozère, evokes the absence of danger of wolves for man. He explains: "I remember that never a wolf attacked a man, never, never, never, never!"