Attendre pendant des heures dans une voiture sans avancer pour aller au travail ou partir en vacances. Pour faire face à cette véritable plaie du monde moderne, une seule solution : rester zen.
Explanations of traffic jams along roads and highways during departures on July holidays. Demonstrations of winegrowers, mass departure of holidaymakers, caravans, refusal to take routes bis, so many reasons that caused 600 km of traffic jams on this day of August 2, 1975.
On the occasion of major departures and in order to reduce the risk of traffic jams and accidents, the Regional Road Information and Coordination Centres (ICRC) have set up a road prevention plan entitled Smart Bison.
[Source: France 3 prompter] More than 630 km of corks recorded this morning around 9 am in Ile de France... To get around, it must be said that the employees did not have many other solutions... Ignacio BORNACIN, Thomas CUNY
Dans beaucoup de grandes villes françaises, la circulation automobile est difficile. Reportage à Paris et à Lyon. Micro-trottoir auprès d'automobilistes parisiens et interview d'un livreur lyonnais.
Les embouteillages dans les grandes villes françaises sont fréquents. Cette année un record a été battu, celui du nombre d'heures passés dans les bouchons. Reportage à Lyon et à Paris où des automobilistes donnent leur point de vue sur la question.
Brief in pictures. The people of the trip who blocked the A1 motorway since last night in both directions at Roy in the Somme lifted the dam in the late morning. This protest takes place four days after a shooting broke out in a camp killing four people and killing three people . Therefore the roads are loaded to arrive in the capital: images of traffic jams
The mayor of Paris Bertrand DELANOE decided to present an anti-pollution plan at the Paris Council. Some vehicles too old, too dirty, could be denied access to the capital. Interview with Bertrand DELANOE about fine particles, Pierre CHASSERAY, spokesperson for 40 million angry motorists and Karine LÉGER, spokesperson for Airparif.
A report devoted to the summer crusader, which takes place as it does every year between July and August holidaymakers. Traffic will be exceptionally difficult during the weekend, as is already the case this Friday evening. The gendarmes and policemen are mobilized on the highways and the secondary axes. The factual and illustrated images with commentary alternate with the interviews of Nicolas BRUNEAUD, assistant in charge of the CIGT (Interdepartmental Centre for Traffic Management) and Maxime DELAPORTE, Commander of the second Departmental Road Safety Squadron.
Reportage consacré à la pollution aux particules fines en France. Explications des causes et des conséquences de cette pollution de l'air et présentation des moyens de surveillance. Avec les interviews de Pierre Yves Guernion, responsable des études " AIRAQ " et du Professeur Jean Philippe Derenne, pneumologue, Hôpital Pitié-Salpétrière.