Every year in Davos, Switzerland, this forum brings together business leaders, politicians from around the world as well as intellectuals and journalists to discuss the world’s most pressing issues, including health and the environment.
Statement by French President Nicolas SARKOZY on the euro at the Davos Forum (Switzerland): "To those who would like to bet against the euro, pay attention to your money... the consequences of a disappearance of the euro would be so cataclysmic that one cannot even play with this idea".
At the World Economic Forum in Davos (Switzerland), a sharp altercation between Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ERDOGAN and Israeli President Shimon PERES caused a diplomatic chill between the two countries. Recalling the events that led Recep Tayyip ERDOGAN to leave yesterday a public debate on Gaza and to declare that he would no longer return to Davos: After a long and impassioned plea by Shimon PERES defending the war waged by Israel against Gaza, Mr. ERDOGAN allowed his anger to explode, after being insistently interrupted by the organizer of the debate while he was giving his opinion on the conflict. Excerpts from the words of the two men during their stormy exchange.
This year, at the World Economic Forum in Davos (Switzerland), the mood is bleak after the financial crisis that broke out in the United States at the end of 2008. Renowned stakeholders expect 2009 to be a very difficult year for finance and the global economy. The intervention of the States, the regulation of the markets, and even the call for a redesign of the system are on the agenda, at least in the declarations of some participants. The commentary is accompanied by images of the conference and alternates with interviews of Nouriel ROUBINI, economist, Georges PAUGET, Managing Director of Crédit Agricole, Howard DAVIES, Director of the London school of economics (LSE), George SOROS, and Jean-Claude TRICHET, President of the European Central Bank (ECB). Tray in situation Jean-Paul CHAPEL.
Reportage devoted to François HOLLANDE’s intervention at the summit of Davos (Switzerland), annual meeting of world economic leaders. He asked the financial system to cut off the sources of food from international terrorism, to endorse the disappearance of tax havens, and to fight money laundering. Comment on factual images alternating with the statement of François HOLLANDE and a microsiders.
It is the great mass of the world economy at the Davos Forum (Switzerland) that opens today. And for the first time, it is a French president who will deliver the inaugural speech, Nicolas SARKOZY, who should come back on the regulation of global finance, after the crisis. Thirty heads of state and government, and more than 2,500 bosses, are expected in Switzerland. Comments on factual images and interviews Françoise GRI (President of Manpower France) and Mario MORETTI POLEGATO (CEO of GEOX), Lars OLOFSSON (CEO of Carrefour). Tray in situation Jean-Paul CHAPEL.
Behind-the-scenes survey of the Davos summit (Switzerland), which enables the world’s leading business leaders to make contacts and sign important contracts. Comment on factual images of businessmen and heads of state at the summit. Interviews with Bruno LANVIN, Louis SCHWEITZER, CEO of Renault, Françis MER, Minister of Economy, and CEO of Sun Micro-Systems, Elie SIMON.
Report on the first day of the Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, during which French President Nicolas SARKOZY delivered a speech against the derivatives of capitalism. The report consists of a commentary on factual images alternating with the statements of Nicolas SARKOZY, President of the Republic, Georges PAUGET, Director General of Farm Credit, Howard DAVIES, Director of "London school of economics", and a tray of Jean-Paul CHAPEL, special envoy to Davos.
In Davos (Switzerland), all the gotha of high finance, international trade and industry is found in the internationally renowned Swiss resort. What does it cost to attend this forum? The entrance ticket is 27,500 euros per person, without the accommodation fee. Commentary on factual images and interviews Louis SCHWEITZER (CEO of Renault), Jean-Louis GERGORIN (EADS Vice-president), and François LOOS (Minister for Foreign Trade).
Review of the Davos Summit (Switzerland) with the commitment of celebrities for humanitarian causes. Comment on factual images and interviews of the Minister of Economy, Hervé GAYMARD, and the singer of the group "U2", BONO.