Davos Forum: Drawing a new world economic order?

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Davos Forum: Drawing a new world economic order?

Davos Forum: Drawing a new world economic order?

This year, at the World Economic Forum in Davos (Switzerland), the mood is bleak after the financial crisis that broke out in the United States at the end of 2008. Renowned stakeholders expect 2009 to be a very difficult year for finance and the global economy. The intervention of the States, the regulation of the markets, and even the call for a redesign of the system are on the agenda, at least in the declarations of some participants. The commentary is accompanied by images of the conference and alternates with interviews of Nouriel ROUBINI, economist, Georges PAUGET, Managing Director of Crédit Agricole, Howard DAVIES, Director of the London school of economics (LSE), George SOROS, and Jean-Claude TRICHET, President of the European Central Bank (ECB). Tray in situation Jean-Paul CHAPEL.









File : Davos Forum

Publication date : 28 January 2009

Producteur: France 2   -   Journalist : Chapel, Jean Paul  -  Film Editor : Grenier, Ocean  -  Participant : Roubini, Nouriel  -  Participant : Pauget, Georges  -  Participant : Davies, Howard  -  Participant : Soros, George  -  Participant : Trichet, Jean Claude  -  Participant : Chapel, Jean Paul
20 Hours   -   Producteur: France 2


Credits:Journalist : Chapel, Jean Paul-Film Editor : Grenier, Ocean-Participant : Roubini, Nouriel-Participant : Pauget, Georges-Participant : Davies, Howard-Participant : Soros, George-Participant : Trichet, Jean Claude-Participant : Chapel, Jean Paul

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