The PS in full melee

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The PS in full melee

The PS in full melee

The Socialist Party is about to nominate its three candidates for presidential candidacy. Ségolène ROYAL resigned from the leadership of the PS, inviting activists to boycott the ongoing proceedings. - Courtyard of the PS headquarters, rue de Solférino. [Close-up] Plaque bearing the party emblem. Excerpt from the 20H of the 24/01/95: Jacques DELORS on stage: "Let’s accept the primaries in one party and respect the other knowing that what separates the candidates is less important than what separates them from the right". Interview Jean GLAVANY, spokesman of the PS, supporter of the candidate Henri EMMANUELLI: "He says the good of the internal procedure to the party which is called democracy and de-dramatizes what everyone is trying to pass as a game of massacre". Interview Pierre MOSCOVICI, member of the national bureau of the PS and supporter of the candidate Lionel JOSPIN: "There is a real choice between two political lines, two men. May the activists vote with dignity! Abstention is not the right solution... Let us not play the frightened virgins.. This vote is an honourable political debate". Ségolène ROYAL leaving the PS. S. ROYAL meeting in the gallery of the press conference during which she announced her resignation (silent).









Publication date : 25 January 1995

Producteur: France 2   -   Journalist : Chenu, Guilaine
F2 The Journal 13H   -   Producteur: France 2


Credits:Journalist : Chenu, Guilaine

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