Women’s Event

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Women’s Event

Women’s Event

Under pressure from feminist movements and some of the socialist deputies, the government announced on October 20 its decision to table in the National Assembly a bill authorizing the partial reimbursement of the voluntary termination of pregnancy by the Social Security. According to this project, a user fee will remain at the expense of the beneficiaries, and the State will finance the costs of the Social Security for its interventions. Reaction of total opposition of the groups committed against abortion, satisfaction nuanced in the opposite camp, as evidenced by the demonstration organized this afternoon in Paris by the Planning familial, the association Choisir, the MLAC and the women’s groups. Commentary on images of the demonstration for the reimbursement of the IVG by the Social Security this afternoon rue de Rennes. In the procession, interviews with Monique ANTOINE ("Féminisme et politique"), Gisèle HALIMI ("Choisir"), a protester, and Andrée JAUBERT (French Movement for Family Planning).









Publication date : 23 October 1982

Producteur: Antenne 2   -   Journalist : Marion, Sylvie  -  Participant : Antoine, Monique  -  Participant : Halimi, Gisèle  -  Participant : Jaubert, Andrée
Antenna 2 Le Journal de 20H   -   Producteur: Antenne 2


Credits:Journalist : Marion, Sylvie-Participant : Antoine, Monique-Participant : Halimi, Gisèle-Participant : Jaubert, Andrée

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