The food behaviour of the French

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The food behaviour of the French

The food behaviour of the French

Report devoted to the dietary changes of the French in recent decades. The French are increasingly turning to prepared products, eat less fat and sugar. According to Jacques FRICKER, a nutritionist at the Bichat Hospital, this decrease in consumption of fats and sugars is a compensation due to the fact that prepared dishes contain more than basic products. Another change, since the mad cow crisis, the French have consumed 25% less red meat. Dairy products have seen their consumption increase by more than 200%. Children have little to change their eating behavior, preferring fries to vegetables. They eat more and more pastries, sweets and sodas. The number of obese youth is increasing by 70,000 people every year. Interviews with children, by Isabelle MARCHAND, principal of the high school Jacques Amyot.









Publication date : 15 May 2002

Producteur: France 3   -   Journalist : Gilbert, Claudine  -  Photo Journalist : Boyer, Bertrand  -  Participant : Fricker, Jacques  -  Participant : Marchand, Isabelle
12 14 National Edition   -   Producteur: France 3


Credits:Journalist : Gilbert, Claudine-Photo Journalist : Boyer, Bertrand-Participant : Fricker, Jacques-Participant : Marchand, Isabelle

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