Les moments forts des journées mondiales de la jeunesse

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Les moments forts des journées mondiales de la jeunesse

Les moments forts des journées mondiales de la jeunesse

END OF WORLD YOUTH DAYS. A retrospective with the powerful images that marked this week of joy and recollection for Catholics who came from the five continents to meet His Holiness JOHN PAUL II. - Youth gathering at the Trocadéro, in front of the Eiffel Tower, with portraits of Ste Thérèse de Lisieux. - Pope JOHN PAUL II received President JACQUES CHIRAC in an Elysée salon. - Human rights in the Trocadero square. - VA Foule immense of pilgrims on the Champ de Mars. - Beatification of FREDERIC OZANAM in Notre-Dame de Paris, the sovereign pontiff blessing the crowd. - Controversial images of the Holy Father gathering at the tomb of his friend Pfr LEJEUNE, biologist and founder of the anti-abortion movements. - Ppae JEAN-PAUL II visiting the Cathedral of EVRY in the Essonne, the only cathedral built in the twentieth century. - Image of the Pope’s tiredness mopping his forehead in the back of his chasuble during the mass at the Saint-Etienne-du-Mont church, where suffocating heat reigned. - Longchamp’s festive Vigil on Saturday night 23, orchestra led by Korean conductor Wun Myun Chung performing Nabucco de Verdi. - End of WYD, scenes of good-bye with thousands of young people waving pennants. - PL JOHN PAUL II blessing the crowd.









Publication date : 24 August 1997

Producteur: France 2   -   Journalist : Romedenne, Patrice
F2 The Journal 20H   -   Producteur: France 2


Credits:Journalist : Romedenne, Patrice

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