Robert Badinter on the entrance to the Pantheon of Condorcet and the celebrations of the bicentenary of the French Revolution

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Robert Badinter on the entrance to the Pantheon of Condorcet and the celebrations of the bicentenary of the French Revolution

Robert Badinter on the entrance to the Pantheon of Condorcet and the celebrations of the bicentenary of the French Revolution

Anne Sinclair receives Elisabeth and Robert Badinter on the occasion of the release of their book "Condorcet, an intellectual in politics" and asks Robert Badinter if Condorcet could not return to the Pantheon and what they think of the celebrations of the bicentenary of the French Revolution. For Robert Badinter, "the real Pantheon is the collective memory", it is there that they wish -with his wife- that he live, in the absence of material remains to deposit. For him the Revolution is over, but what must be commemorated is the transition from the Old regime to the sovereignty of the People and Human Rights.









Publication date : 26 June 1988

Producteur: Télévision Française 1   -   Director : Delannoy, Jean Claude  -  Journalist : Jungfer, Viviane  -  Presenter : Sinclair, Anne  -  Participant : Badinter, Elisabeth  -  Participant : Badinter, Robert
Seven Out Of Seven   -   Mandat: TF1 Actu   -   Producteur: Télévision Française 1


Credits:Director : Delannoy, Jean Claude-Journalist : Jungfer, Viviane-Presenter : Sinclair, Anne-Participant : Badinter, Elisabeth-Participant : Badinter, Robert

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