For or against the Vietnam War: Microsidewalk in NY
For or against the Vietnam War: Microsidewalk in NY
Microsidewalk in the streets of New York on the issue of the Vietnam War. A young man replies that it is difficult to have a definite point of view but that concerning him, he does not wish to go, considering that he is "too human to kill", another passerby deplores that the afro-Americans are so solicited when they are not on an equal footing with whites in American society. A third man said he was in favour of the conflict, recalling that if the Americans had not intervened during the Second World War France would still be in the hands of the Nazis.
Producteur: Office National De Radiodiffusion Télévision Française - Journalist : Sedouy, Alain De - Journalist : Harris, André - Journalist : Agostini, Claude - Producer : Sedouy, Alain De - Producer : Harris, André
Zoom - Producteur: Office National De Radiodiffusion Télévision Française
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