Georges De Caunes, Director of TF1’s Sports Department, introduces the new female rookie of his service, High Jump Champion Marie-Christine Debourse, making many comments about her pleasant physique. This is followed by images of the champion who has been converted into a journalist, during training sessions, again with many sexist comments.
Marianne Mako, a sports journalist, believes she was rejected by her team of sports reporters sent to the 1990 World Cup simply because she is a woman. It would have risked to lack credibility on a sports event of very high level. So she worked on this World Cup, but on stage, in the Parisian studios.
On the stage of Stade 2, journalist Christine Paris rebels against the misogyny suffered by the French team’s footballers, especially by the journalists. She regrets that they are only interested in sexy athletes and considers athletes "terrorized" by journalists.