Interview with Steve Jobs about the computer industry in France

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Interview with Steve Jobs about the computer industry in France

Interview with Steve Jobs about the computer industry in France

On the occasion of a geopolitical symposium in Paris, Jean-Marc ILLOUZ interviews the American Steve JOBS, young founder of the computer firm Apple. He explains how the computer industry could develop in France and Europe. Interview Steve Jobs (big problem with image colorimetry) about France’s good research level, but its weakness in applications: "it comes from a lack of companies willing to risk to undertake (...) Development is rarely done by large companies". It encourages the development of "small businesses, with gifted students, and more efficient risk capital in the hands of the private sector"; and it says "champions that we take for example, saying innovation is that". He also mentions a "more subtle, cultural factor" problem, about a European model where failure is very poorly perceived, "and can follow you all your life", whereas in America, in Silicon Valley, "you spend your time failing. When you break your face, you start over". He gives advice for the development of the computer industry in Europe and France: "we need a solid software industry, because software is the oil of the 80’s and 90’s, of this computer revolution". He believes that the French could dominate this market in Europe, if a multitude of small companies started to create software, because 'it has the brightest students and a good mastery of technology'. Everyone must "encourage young people to set up software companies," he said, adding: "We do not want to get our hands on them, nor should the government try to do so. They must belong to those who take risks".









File : Apple

Publication date : 7 April 1984

Producteur: Antenne 2   -   Journalist : Illouz, Jean Marc  -  Participant : Jobs, Steve
Antenna 2 Le Journal De 20H   -   Producteur: Antenne 2


Credits:Journalist : Illouz, Jean Marc-Participant : Jobs, Steve

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