Portrait of Olivier Falorni, PS dissident

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Portrait of Olivier Falorni, PS dissident

Portrait of Olivier Falorni, PS dissident

During the last general elections, some constituencies attracted more attention than others. In La Rochelle, Ségolène Royal could be beaten by the socialist dissident Olivier FALORNI. Portrait in images of this candidate very anchored in his city. Comment on archival images tracing his career: Olivier FALORNI at the PS Summer School in La Rochelle in 2011, with Lionel Jospin, Martine Aubry, François Hollande and Harlem Désir, in 2007 with François Hollande and Stéphane le Foll, in February 2012 with Ségolène Royal and Maxime Bono, during the threat of exclusion from the PS, and on a market in La Rochelle during the campaign.

Publication date : 15 June 2012

Producteur: France 3   -   Journalist : Gelot, Béatrice  -  Film Editor : Vassy, Dominique  -  Participant : Falorni, Olivier
12 13 National Edition   -   Producteur: France 3


Credits:Journalist : Gelot, Béatrice-Film Editor : Vassy, Dominique-Participant : Falorni, Olivier

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