Conditions for the arrest of the heads of Direct Action

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Conditions for the arrest of the heads of Direct Action

Conditions for the arrest of the heads of Direct Action

Arrest, Saturday evening, February 21, in a farm of Loiret in Vitry Aux Loges, of the four main leaders of the internationalist branch of Action Directe: Jean-Marc ROUILLAN, Nathalie MENIGON, Georges CIPRIANI and Joëlle AUBRON by the police officers of RAID (Research, Assistance, Intervention, Deterrence) under the direction of Ange MANCINI. After four years of investigation and tracking, the Raid police led the assault and then fired shots into the air before arresting the four terrorists. Comment on aerial images of the isolated farm, police in plain clothes (continue to search the farm in the presence of Jean Marc ROUILLAN, while his comrades were transferred to Versailles), the letter of Action Directe which claimed the assassination of the CEO of Renault, Georges BESSE assassinated in November 1986 alternating with the interview of a farmer villager from VITRY-aux-Loges, Jean DAMINAVILLE talking about his "neighbours" : knew Nathalie MENIGON under the name of Nadine, "really very nice... She sometimes came to get milk or to keep the 88-year-old grandmother...".









Publication date : 22 February 1987

Producteur: Antenne 2   -   Journalist : Vannier, Emmanuel
Antenna 2 Le Journal De 20H   -   Producteur: Antenne 2


Credits:Journalist : Vannier, Emmanuel

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