In recent years, with the resurgence of terrorist attacks in many countries of the European Union, a strengthening of identity has begun to reappear. Western countries are facing the rise of nationalist movements
Report on extreme right and neo-Nazi movements in Germany. In Dresden, demonstration from the extreme right. Interview with Mr BAUER, spokesman, office for the protection of the constitution, on the difficulty of fighting the extreme right. Interview with Holger APFEL, elected NDP (extreme right) Land of Saxony, making negationist remarks. Comment on factual images.
Hungary reports on the nationalist push that has been going through the country since the last parliamentary elections. The bicolour emblem of the Hungarian Guard, a paramilitary militia that was banned last year, is worn today in the National Assembly by the President of the JOBBIK, an extreme right-wing party that totals forty seven seats in Parliament. Comment on factual images and interviews Szavay ISTVAN (deputy Jobbik), micro-sidewalk and Tibor NAVRACSICS (Deputy Prime Minister).
Report on the results of parliamentary elections in Italy. Luigi DI MAIO, candidate of the "5 star Movement", populist movement, and Matteo SALVINI, leader of the "Northern League", nationalist formation of extreme right, are fighting for victory and wish to sit in government. Comment on factual images and infographic cards alternating with interviews of both candidates and a micro-sidewalk. Plateau in François BEAUDONNET situation.
The "Liberal and Democratic People’s Party" of the outgoing Prime Minister leads the Dutch legislature, while the populist party "PVV" of Geert WILDERS, even if it does not make the expected breakthrough, remains the second party in number of elected members of Parliament and thus becomes permanently involved in national political life. Comment on factual images, illustration and excerpt speech by Mark RUTTE (Prime Minister), interview Geert WILDERS (President of the Freedom Party), and micro-sidewalk. Tray in Valéry LEROUGE.
Helsinki report on the rise of nationalists in the last elections in Finland and generally in Scandinavia. Comment on illustrated images and infographic cards alternating with an interview with Pia KOPRA (candidate of the Finnish Party) and extract from a statement by Morten MESSERSCHMIDT (leader of the Danish People’s Party) and Timo SOINI (Finnish nationalist leader).
Reportage in Italy devoted to the favourite candidate for polls for parliamentary elections, Matteo SALVINI, leader of the "Northern League", a populist party. Commentary on archival images including an extract from a public speech by Matteo SALVINI and a micro-sidewalk.
Copenhagen: The Danish People’s Party, eurosceptic and anti-immigration, leads the European elections on 25 May. According to a French researcher, this vote by the Danes is a reflex to defend their social model. Comment on factual and illustrated images, micro-sidewalk, and interviews Meik WIKING (director of the Happiness Research Institute) and Xavier LANDES (researcher at the University of Copenhagen).
Among the other countries in the Eurozone, Finland is one of the hardest and most intransigent towards the Greek debt because it has already lent more than 5 billion to Greece, 10% of its annual budget. Explanations on images of illustration, micro-sidewalk, speech in the parliament of Timo SOINI (Foreign Minister, leader of the extreme right populist and Eurosceptic), and interview of Tom PACKALEN (Deputy of the "True Finns", extreme right).
Report in Italy on the right party Northern League of Matteo Salvini, populist party. A few days before the regional elections, he became the main rival of Matteo Renzi. Without a diploma or training other than militancy, he became the leader of the Italian extreme right. It is inspired by Marine the PEN, President of the FN, whom he invited to his main meetings and rejuvenated the party by discarding the old pillars and forgetting the regionalist demands to become a populist extreme right party that refuses the European Union, opposes immigration, and mosques. Comment on factual images alternating with the interview of Matteo SALVINI and microsiders of fans.
Report to Denmark where parliamentary elections are held. Focus on the People’s Party which is against immigration and the European Union and which wins votes. The commentary on factual and archival images alternates with a micro-sidewalk, the interview of Kristian THULESEN DAHL (President of the Danish People’s Party) and one of his supporters.
It was a bitter victory for Angela MERKEL, more than her re-election, it was the entry into the Bundestag of an extreme right-wing party, the AFD, that marked the election. With 13% of the votes, the German extreme right exults, it becomes the third political force of the country, and promises to "chase" the chancellor, described as treacherous because of its migration policy. A commentary on factual images and illustration alternates with Alexander GAULAND’s speech, the interview with Norbert KLEINWAECHTER (AFD deputies) and micro-sidewalk.
Report on the return of the extreme right to the German Parliament. Story of the tense entrance of the 92 deputies of the nationalist right (AFD) to the Bundestag. Commentary on factual images alternating with an excerpt from the speech of Bernd BAUMAN (AFD deputy and secretary general of the parliamentary group) and interviews with Martin SCHULZ (chairman of the SPD) and Franziska BRANTNER (member of the Green Party). Tray in position Lilya MELKONIAN.
Report on the rise of extreme right-wing populist movements in Europe. In the Netherlands, the Freedom Party (PVV) of the right-wing populist deputy Geert WILDERS provoked the resignation of the Dutch coalition government on Monday. In one European country out of four, the nationalist right has become the arbiter of political life. Commentary on archival and infographic images and interview Vivien PERTUSOT (French Institute of International Relations, Brussels). Plateau in François BEAUDONNET situation.
A report on the consequences of Brexit, in particular the speech by Theresa MAY, the new head of the UK government, who directed her policy towards national preference, particularly in the areas of employment and higher education. Alternation of factual images, and statements Amber RUDD (Minister of the Interior) and Tim THOMAS (responsible for Employment and Skills for the "Federation of Manufacturers", the British MEDEF).
Reportage devoted to the entry into the Austrian government of members of the extreme right party, the FPO (Austrian Freedom Party). In a position of strength after the last election, OPS members held the positions of Minister of Interior, Defence and Foreign Affairs. Their campaign focused mainly on the themes of immigration and Islam. Comment on factual images with infographic alternating with extract press conference of Heinz-Christian STRACHEN (leader of the FPO), Sebastian KURZ (leader of the conservative party OVP) and extract speech Alexander VAN DER BELLEN (President of the Austrian Republic).
Analysis of Guillaume DARET who recounts the score of Marine LE PEN in the first round of the presidential election. It evokes a record of votes for the National Front and presents the map of the FN vote and the typical elector. Comment on infographic.
Report on the theme of immigration in the electoral campaign of the general elections to be held in Great Britain and the positions and proposals of the main candidates on this subject. Comment on factual images and images of illustration alternating with the interview of Nigel FARAGE (UKIP candidate), an excerpt from a speech by David CAMERON (Conservative Prime Minister), and a micro-sidewalk of UKIP activists. Tray in Arnaud BOUTET situation.
Report of the election campaign day of Marine LE PEN, candidate for the presidential election, qualified for the second round, and return on the results evening of the first round. Comment on factual images alternating with the interview of the interested and testimony of activists.
Report on Austrian parliamentary elections. The FPO (extreme right) did not win these elections, however, the number of votes recorded will allow the party to negotiate its entry into government, a real victory for its supporters and leaders. Comment on factual and archival images accompanied by interviews with Heinz-Christian STRACHE (head of the OPS), Margaritis SCHINAS (spokesman of the European Commission) and Alexandra SIEGL (political scientist).
Reportage devoted to the legislative elections that will take place tomorrow in the Netherlands, in the context of a hardening of immigration policy among the new candidates, notams the populist Geert WILDERS and the Liberal party VVD. Comment on factual images, reactions of supporters of Geert Wilders and VVD, and interview Abdou MENEBHI (Council of the Moroccan Community of Amsterdam). Tray in Amaury GUIBERT situation.