Teacher unionism and the social economy at the FEN

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Teacher unionism and the social economy at the FEN

Teacher unionism and the social economy at the FEN

During a banquet celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the MAIF, Mutuelle assurance des instituteurs de France, meeting with the leaders of the FEN, Fédération de l'Education nationale, bringing together several trade unions, professional and mutual organizations: interviews of several of them on their conception of unionism and the social economy. Jacques Pommateau, Secretary General of the FEN: "We are a family, the teacher unionism and the social econbomy is the same thing, a way to change society" Guy George, former secretary of the teachers' union, president of the CCOMSEN, Coordination Committee of the mutualists and cooperatives of the National Education: "there is no break between unionism, cooperation, mutuality. I like to see that we make jealous" André Henry, former secretary of the FEN "In the sectors of agriculture and national education there are two old ministries and unitary unions", these are the only ones in which mutual but also social security is managed" Presentation of the other leaders: Hubert Arnaud, CEO Camif, Michel Germain, treasurer of the national union of teachers, René Teulade, president of the Mutuelle des retraités de l'Education Nationale, Jean Devergne, president of the Casden (teachers' bank), Pierre Chevalier, President of the MGEN and Jean Claude Barbarant, Secretary General of the Teachers' Union.









File : MGEN

Publication date : 18 October 1984

Producteur: Antenne 2   -   Director : Brissot, Jacques  -  Producer : Breugnot, Pascale  -  Participant : Germain, Jean  -  Participant : Pommatau, Jacques  -  Participant : Teulade, René  -  Participant : Chevalier, Pierre  -  Participant : Pommateau, Jacques  -  Participant : George, Guy  -  Participant : Henry, André
Producteur: Antenne 2


Credits:Director : Brissot, Jacques-Producer : Breugnot, Pascale-Participant : Germain, Jean-Participant : Pommatau, Jacques-Participant : Teulade, René-Participant : Chevalier, Pierre-Participant : Pommateau, Jacques-Participant : George, Guy-Participant : Henry, André

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