The autonomous movement explained by its activists
The autonomous movement explained by its activists
The autonomous movement explained by its activists
To identify the ideology and modes of action of the autonomous, the journalist interviews two activists. The autonomous movement is not determined by violence, explains the former. The offensive actions chosen tend to reappropriate a social space outside the consensual, legislative or political framework, using means other than traditional petitions or demonstrations, which it considers ineffective. The autonomous militate in various fieldss and carry out actions, such as occupying empty houses, operating pirate radios, practicing absenteeism, refusing price increases. as is done in Italy. For the second activist, the aim of the struggle is the advent of the revolution, but it must be started and experienced today, to avoid any drift in its practices, and to define the project of society of tomorrow. He concluded by denouncing the Red Brigades' operating methods, the assassination remains in his eyes a bourgeois shéma of violence.
File : Autonomous
Publication date : 9 June 1978
Credits:Journalist : Coste, Patricia