Jean REDELE, also known as Monsieur Alpine, is surrounded by his collaborators in his design office in Dieppe. Passionate about sports cars, driver, manufacturer, he formed a team with engineers, a technical and commercial director, mechanics. The berlinette adventure began 15 years ago. At first, he was racing and believed in the potential of French mechanics. His first car was built in 1952 and the company, Alpine, was founded in 1955.
Producteur: Office National De Radiodiffusion Télévision Française, Office National De Radiodiffusion Télévision Française Rouen - Director : Luc, Roger - Participant : Redele, Jean
Living In France - Producteur: Office National De Radiodiffusion Télévision Française, Office National De Radiodiffusion Télévision Française Rouen
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Credits:Director : Luc, Roger-Participant : Redele, Jean