Poignant testimony by Jean Carbonare on the massacres in Rwanda
Poignant testimony by Jean Carbonare on the massacres in Rwanda
Bruno Masure receives Jean Carbonare, president of the association "Survie" and member of the international federation of human rights, back from Rwanda. Extremely moved, he recounts the atrocities suffered by Rwandan women who lost children, and also the violence suffered by Tutsi women themselves. He points out that France is responsible for this situation, and calls on Bruno Masure to take action: "You too, Mr Masure.. you have to do something to change this situation because it can be changed...".
Producteur: France 2 - Journalist : Masure, Bruno - Participant : Carbonare, Jean
F2 The Journal 20H - Producteur: France 2
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Credits:Journalist : Masure, Bruno-Participant : Carbonare, Jean