Investigation in a Parisian establishment, after several accidents occurred to pledges. One student broke his leg. A young boy testifies, while an older student denies and evokes the bullying he himself suffered as a pledge, as for example the "breech". When asked about this, the principal of the school prefers not to define it to preserve "delicate ears". However, it evokes the tendencies among some to "abuse, bullying, humility, fines...belt blows"... Another young man believes that hazing makes it possible to integrate.
Producteur: Office National De Radiodiffusion Télévision Française - Director : Thomas, Jean Paul - Producer : Harris, André - Producer : Sedouy, Alain De
Sixteen Million Young People - Producteur: Office National De Radiodiffusion Télévision Française
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Credits:Director : Thomas, Jean Paul-Producer : Harris, André-Producer : Sedouy, Alain De