François Mitterrand on the moratorium against nuclear tests

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François Mitterrand on the moratorium against nuclear tests

François Mitterrand on the moratorium against nuclear tests

Responding to Alain DUHAMEL, François MITTERRAND explains that he put in place the moratorium for the cessation of French nuclear tests because he knew that the French deterrence force continued to be sufficient to face the other nuclear powers. He went on to say that he urged the Russian and American leaders to follow France’s example in this decision to end these trials.

Publication date : 25 October 1993

Producteur: France 2   -   Director : Leridon, Jean Luc  -  Journalist : Duhamel, Alain  -  Participant : Mitterrand, François
The Hour Of Truth   -   Producteur: France 2


Credits:Director : Leridon, Jean Luc-Journalist : Duhamel, Alain-Participant : Mitterrand, François

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