Distribution of sterile syringes by Médecin du Monde
Distribution of sterile syringes by Médecin du Monde
On the occasion of the Sixth World AIDS Day, an update on the situation of drug addicts: nearly one in two in France is HIV-positive, while there are only two needle exchange programmes in the country. Report on the "Drug Addiction and AIDS" mission of Médecins du Monde whose bus allows the distribution of sterile needles and condoms.
Producteur: France 2 - Journalist : Bouquillat, Florence - Journalist : Melin, Jean Louis - Participant : Lhomme, Jean Pierre
F2 The Journal 13H - Producteur: France 2
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Credits:Journalist : Bouquillat, Florence-Journalist : Melin, Jean Louis-Participant : Lhomme, Jean Pierre