MSF in Somalia: Patrick Vial interview

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MSF in Somalia: Patrick Vial interview

MSF in Somalia: Patrick Vial interview

In Somalia, for over a year and in general indifference, warlords, including General AIDID, martyred their people causing 300,000 deaths and one million displaced persons. In December 1992, Operation "Rendering Hope" landed UN troops in Mogadishu, led by Americans, to help a population decimated by famine and war. But horror never ceases for the Somalis, those who came to give them help, become their new executioners. Not only is Somalia not pacified, but it is escalating every day. After each American raid, Patrick, MSF coordinator in Somalia, counts the dead and wounded, and the part of the population that was hostile to AIDID, sides with the Americans. Doctors Without Borders decides to leave Somalia. Patrick VIAL explains the reasons for his departure...









Publication date : 21 October 1993

Producteur: France 2   -   Journalist : Fourniou, Valérie  -  Film Editor : Granet, Françoise  -  Camera Operator : Melin, Jean Louis  -  Sound Recordist : Faure, Jean Paul
Special Envoy   -   Producteur: France 2


Credits:Journalist : Fourniou, Valérie-Film Editor : Granet, Françoise-Camera Operator : Melin, Jean Louis-Sound Recordist : Faure, Jean Paul

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