National Assembly report on the prohibition of nitrites in cold cuts, reactions

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National Assembly report on the prohibition of nitrites in cold cuts, reactions

National Assembly report on the prohibition of nitrites in cold cuts, reactions

[Source: France 3 Régions]: Is it the end of neon pink hams or Morteau sausages as we know them? Nitrites that colour these meats could be banned in France by 2025. This is the result of a parliamentary report tabled yesterday. These additives are suspected to be carcinogenic. On the producer side, it is incomprehension. Example in the Upper Doubs. A banal gesture in this butcher specialized in the sausage of Morteau and Montbéliard since 1992, now questioned. The object of discord, this famous white powder. Give a pinkish color, lengthen the shelf life and protect from disease like botulism, these are the main effetsof nitrite salt. A detailed report from the National Assembly this Wednesday advocates a ban on these additives considered dangerous. For the producer, without this salt, Montbéliard sausage would be a pale copy of itself. Joan Renaudot: "We would have a sausage to cook which would be gray with spots can be greenish and a preservation much shorter. Nitrates have always existed, there are some in vegetables, saltpetre in cold cuts has existed since cold cuts exist, we can not turn everything upside down for a fashion effect." Co-rapporteur of the text, the member for Haute-Saône does not understand the shield. It justifies its approach. Barbara Bessot Ballot: "the question was, are nitrite salts dangerous in the diet? And then what about practices? We know that glyphosate is good for nobody but at the same time we are still looking for alternatives to get out. It turns out that nitrite salts, we have the alternatives and there are already industries that can do without them.' The deputy introduced a law in mid-December to gradually ban these nitrite additives, the text will be examined in committee in the National Assembly from January 20.









Publication date : 14 January 2021

Producteur: France 3 Besançon, France 3 Bourgogne-Franche-Comté   -   Journalist : Pasquali, Sacha  -  Journalist : Bourgeot, Stéphanie  -  Photo Journalist : Saintain, Jean Louis  -  Photo Journalist : Arbez, Philippe  -  Presenter : Bourgeot, Stéphanie  -  Participant : Bessot Ballot, Barbara
19 20 Franche Comté Edition   -   Producteur: France 3 Besançon, France 3 Bourgogne-Franche-Comté


Credits:Journalist : Pasquali, Sacha-Journalist : Bourgeot, Stéphanie-Photo Journalist : Saintain, Jean Louis-Photo Journalist : Arbez, Philippe-Presenter : Bourgeot, Stéphanie-Participant : Bessot Ballot, Barbara

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