Europe: Europe Ecology The Greens in the countryside
Europe: Europe Ecology The Greens in the countryside
The Europe Ecologie Les Verts (EELV) project was presented yesterday in the Puy de Dôme. Among the chapters of its programme called "Living well", the party mentioned transport and the common agricultural policy (CAP). Karima DELLI, EELV MEP campaigning for a new mandate, says that Brussels would not be so far removed from local concerns and that Europe could help very concretely to reopen small railway lines. During a visit of the elected Greens for the bio-garden. Nicolas BONNET, regional spokesperson EELV Auvergne, says he is in favour of organic agriculture.
Producteur: France 3 Clermont-Ferrand - Journalist : Félix, Pascale - Photo Journalist : Arthur, John - Film Editor : Courtine, Benoît - Participant : Delli, Karima - Participant : Bonnet, Nicolas
12 13 Edition Auvergne - Producteur: France 3 Clermont-Ferrand
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