Lapsus of the Minister of Health, Agnès BUZYN, in the National Assembly, who addressed the deputies by calling them "pensioners". A slip of the tongue which she did not even realize and which provoked general hilarity in the hemicycle and more particularly that of the Prime Minister, Edouard PHILIPPE, and of the spokesman of the government, Christophe CASTANER.
Excerpt from the speech of Prime Minister François FILLON during questions to the government in the National Assembly this afternoon, on the postponement of exploration projects concerning shale gas. He made a slip of the tongue, noted with pleasure by the hemicycle, and the interested party himself, concerning "the exploration and exploitation of deposits of shit gas [shale]".
2011 was a rich year for politicians. Small florilège with Claude GUEANT ("electoral dildo", "delinquency recruited in this country"), François FILLON ("shit gas"), and Daniel COHN-BENDIT ("Marine Le Pen is right").
Pierre ARPAILLANGE, Keeper of the Seals, is at the origin of one of the most famous lapsus of political life: "52 prisoners escaped, of which 53 were taken..." Crazy laugh general...
Statement by Lionel JOSPIN (beside him, François HOLLANDE) in which he makes a slip by speaking of "old" instead of "vows". Martine AUBRY pointing it out to him, he denies with humor.
To the question of Hervé CLAUDE (in duplex), whether he is not shaken in his communist convictions, Georges MARCHAIS (Secretary General of the PCF) answers that this "does not jerk him off"... without raising an eyebrow.
Lapsus of Lionel JOSPIN (First Secretary of the PS) saying "the considerations by the Trotskyists"... He takes up "Labour itself..." Laughter from the audience and the interested. He pulls out the tongue, applause from the audience.
When questioned about his desire to reinstate the death penalty, Jean-Marie LE PEN (president of the FN) spoke in favour of the restoration of the "death pine".
During a session in the National Assembly, Prime Minister Dominique de VILLEPIN, impassive, made a slip of the tongue by speaking of "resignation" instead of "decision" of the Constitutional Council, concerning the Equal Opportunities Act, which in particular establishes the controversial First Hire Contract (EPC). Comment on factual images with the statement of Dominique de VILLEPIN and the reactions of Gaetan GORCE (PS MP), Hervé MARITON (UMP Villepiniste MP), Eric VOERTH (UMP Sarkozyste MP), and Georges TRON (UMP MP, Villepiniste) who comment on this ill-timed lapsus...