Line RENAUD, accompanied by the Orchestra of Jean Claude PETIT and his choristers "Les Emeraudes", sings an anthology of his songs "M Banjo", "Le chien dans la vitrine" and "Toi, ma petite folie"
Line RENAUD explains how she came up with the idea of creating an Association of Artists against AIDS, like the Liz Taylor Association in the USA. Many artists responded to his call.
Line Renaud is tireless. At more than 90 years old, she started in music, continues on the stage, as well as in the cinema, including "bienvenue chez les ch'tis" which was a huge popular success.
La chanteuse Line Renaud a annoncé la création de l'Association des artistes contre le SIDA qui aura pour but de trouver des fonds pour lutter contre la maladie et convaincre le public que le SIDA n'est pas une maladie honteuse. Commentaire sur des images de la conférence de presse de Line Renaud, interviews de la chanteuse et du docteur Chermann, Institut Pasteur : l'aide financière de l'association sera un ballon d'oxygène pour la recherche.
For nearly three years, thanks to intense physical training, Line RENAUD has been leading the Casino de Paris review with enthusiasm. She reveals one of the secrets of her physical fitness: a very slow heart rate.
Report dedicated to the inauguration of the "Line Renaud Road", road to Las Vegas in the United States, in tribute to the French actress of 89 years. Images of the inauguration and interview of Line RENAUD, very moved.