The eighth president of the Fifth Republic, Emmanuel Macron was elected at 39, becoming the youngest president of the Republic in history, ahead of Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte
Témoignage sur les débuts politiques régionaux d'Emmanuel Macron et sur la façon très favorable dont il était perçu à l'époque par certains. Images d'archives et interview de Jacky Lebrun, ancien président de la Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Picardie.
A Amiens, dans la Somme, témoignage de Valérie Guilbert (kinésithérapeute, voisine de Germaine Noguès, grand-mère d'Emmanuel Macron) qui raconte une anecdote sur les liens privilégiés entre ce dernier et sa grand-mère...
Une plainte contre X a été déposée par Emmanuel Macron, suite au débat télévisé qui l'a opposé à Marine Le Pen, où celle-ci a insinué qu'il avait un compte caché dans un paradis fiscal, rumeur qui circule sur un site ultra-nationaliste. Déclaration d'Emmanuel Macron, candidat "En Marche !" à la Présidentielle, et de Marine Le Pen, candidate Front national.
Ouverture au public du ministère des Finances, à Bercy, pour les Journées du patrimoine 2014, où les visiteurs ont été accueillis par le ministre en personne, Emmanuel Macron. Micro-trottoir de visiteurs et interview d'Emmanuel Macron dans laquelle il évoque notamment sa phrase maladroite à l'encontre des salariées ("illettrées") de GAD.
Le ministre de l'Economie, Emmanuel Macron, en visite en Vendée, en compagnie du souverainiste Philippe de Villiers, a notamment affirmé qu'il n'était pas socialiste... Images de cette visite (assistant au spectacle du Puy-du-Fou, visitant l'entreprise de meubles Gautier) et images d'archives (hommage à Jeanne d'Arc à Orléans, le 8 mai 2016) alternant avec des propos d'Emmanuel Macron déclarant notamment : "L'honnêteté m'oblige à vous dire que je ne suis pas socialiste...", et Philippe de Villiers qui commente : "Je pense qu'il y a pour monsieur Macron, devant lui, un avenir pour conduire toutes sortes de chars."
Le débat de l'entre-deux-tours, entre Marine Le Pen (Front national) et Emmanuel Macron (En Marche !) a été de l'avis général un des plus violents, si ce n'est le plus violent, de la Cinquième République... Extraits et réaction de Brice Teinturier (directeur général IPSOS).
Lors du débat de l'entre-deux-tours de l'élection présidentielle, Emmanuel Macron (En Marche !) et Marine Le Pen (Front national) s'affrontent à propos de la GPA, Gestation pour autrui. Emmanuel Macron : "J'ai toujours dit que j'étais contre la GPA..."
Lors du débat de l'entre-deux-tours des présidentielles, Marine Le Pen peine dans son argumentation face à Emmanuel Macron sur la question de la sortie de l'euro, et sur la vision des institutions. Le débat tourne à l'affrontement et les petites phrases fusent... La candidate Front national déclare ainsi qu'Emmanuel Macron est "le candidat à plat ventre", tandis que ce dernier rétorque "Moi, je suis debout, mais pour être debout, je n'ai pas besoin de salir."
Report that follows the Minister of Economy, Emmanuel MACRON, for a day, of Roubaix where he visited the headquarters of an internet hosting company, in Brussels, where he argued for emergency measures for the steel sector before the European Commission. Interviews of the person concerned.
Report devoted to the analysis of the debate between the two candidates in the presidential election, Marine LE PEN and Emmanuel MACRON. It is, by all accounts, the most violent debate in the Fifth Republic. The two candidates strongly opposed several topics such as the sale of the SFR group to Patrick Drahi, the release of the euro, the UOIF (Union des Organisations islamiques de France), gestation for others. Analysis on excerpts from the debate and infographics.
Report to Amiens devoted to the Minister of Economy, Emmanuel MACRON, who announced that he was launching his own political movement "En Marche". Comment on images of his "citizen meeting" in Amiens (images belonging to E. Macron’s campaign team), and of his visit to a factory, alternating with interviews of the minister and several supporters.
Report following the new Minister of the Economy, Emmanuel Macron, during his first fields trip: the symbolic visit of a Scop, Acome, world leader of optical fiber implanted in Romagny (Channel). Commentary on images of the visit alternating with the interviews of Emmanuel MACRON stating in particular that he never spoke of the questioning of the 35 hours, and Gilbert RIFFAULT, Acome employee, CGT delegate, stating that hiring should take precedence over wages.
Many reactions after the polemical remarks of Emmanuel Macron, Minister of Economy, on the supposed illegitimacy of the employees of the Gad slaughterhouses. Some denounce a real class contempt. Microtrottoir at the entrance of the company in question and political reactions of deputies: Marc Le Fur (UMP) and André Chassaigne (PCF).
Report. Update on the visit of Emmanuel MACRON, candidate "En Marche!" in the 2017 presidential election, in Sarcelles (95). A subject composed of factual images of Emmanuel MACRON in the midst of a crowd of young people, alternates with an interview of the candidate and a micro-sidewalk with people attending the visit.
Emmanuel MACRON replaces Arnaud MONTEBOURG in the Ministry of Economy. Former advisor to François HOLLANDE and former business banker, the newcomer faces his image as a social-liberal. Michel SAPIN is the new Minister of Finance. Extracts from the speech given by Emmanuel MACRON: "I arrive all hallucinated with a reputation made to me by the press [...] judge me on the deeds and the words". Addressing Arnaud MONTEBOURG, he said, smiling: "When people agree with me, I feel like I was wrong. You reassured me every day about this".
Report dedicated to the announcement of the candidacy for the 2017 presidential election of Emmanuel MACRON, founder of the movement "En Marche!". During this announcement, he broke free from his past in government as a former minister of the economy and was highly critical of the current political system. After his statement, journalists follow the candidate and his team for a meeting organized in his headquarters. A subject composed of images of Emmanuel MACRON, surrounded by his collaborators alternates with an extract of his speech declaring itself in the presidential election.
Presentation of the Macron Act this morning in Cabinet. It is not a text like any other since it is supposed to unlock the French economy. Comments on illustrations images and excerpt speech Emmanuel MACRON (Minister of Economy).
Report of the visit of the Minister of Economy, Emmanuel MACRON, to Orléans to attend the feasts of Joan of Arc. Reference to his political ambitions, especially presidential ones. Commentary on images of the minister in Orleans, alternating with the extract of his statement, a micro-sidewalk, and a plateau in situation of Hélène HUG, sent special. Emmanuel MACRON in the gallery, about Joan of Arc: "She knew how to bring France together to defend it, in a movement that nothing required. [...] Like an arrow, her trajectory is clear. Jeanne breaks the system. [...] She was a crazy dream. She imposes herself as an obvious."