Debate 35 hours: National Assembly

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Debate 35 hours: National Assembly

Debate 35 hours: National Assembly

Examination by the National Assembly of the draft second law on 35 hours laying down detailed rules for the reduction of working time as from 1 January 2000 for enterprises with more than 20 employees. The parliamentary debate will last until October 15. This debate was preceded yesterday by the concurrent mobilizations of the employers and the CGT around the main points of the project. Martine AUBRY, Minister of Employment and Solidarity, author of the bill, wanted to address this afternoon those who have not yet passed the step towards 35 hours but face the deputies, the task will be more difficult, because the right speaks of a "dangerous approach" and plans to "abolish the law when it comes back to power" and the communists refuse the current text. Commentary on factual images and interviews François BAYROU (president of the UDF), François d'AUBERT (deputy Liberal Democracy), Jean-Louis DEBRE (president of the RPR group in the National Assembly), Robert HUE (national secretary of the PCF), Yves COCHET (Les Verts) and Martine AUBRY.









File : 35 hours

Publication date : 5 October 1999

Producteur: France 2   -   Journalist : Wittenberg, Jeff  -  Journalist : Pasteur, Jean Pierre  -  Participant : Cochet, Yves  -  Participant : Hue, Robert  -  Participant : Debré, Jean Louis  -  Participant : Aubert, François D'  -  Participant : Bayrou, François  -  Participant : Aubry, Martine
20 Hours The Newspaper   -   Producteur: France 2


Credits:Journalist : Wittenberg, Jeff-Journalist : Pasteur, Jean Pierre-Participant : Cochet, Yves-Participant : Hue, Robert-Participant : Debré, Jean Louis-Participant : Aubert, François D'-Participant : Bayrou, François-Participant : Aubry, Martine

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